Dordt College Cost

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The Dordt College cost of attendance is $51,400 . The average net price after scholarships and grants is $27,375 .

Tuition, Fees, and Estimated Expenses

  In-State Out-of-State
Tuition and Fees $34,600 $34,600
Books and Supplies $1,010 $1,010
Room & Board $11,330 $11,330
Other $4,460 $4,460
Total Cost $51,400 $51,400

Dordt College Financial Aid

Financial aid of all Dordt College undergraduate students:

Type of Aid Percent Receiving Aid Average Amount of Aid Received
Grant or Scholarship 92% $20,118
Pell Grants 18% $4,727
Federal Student Loans 45% $5,970

Dordt College Net Price

A college’s net price is the amount that a student pays to attend a school after subtracting scholarships and grants (i.e., financial aid that a student does not have to pay back). The net price is specific to each student and is based on their own personal circumstances.

The average net price for full-time beginning undergraduate students at the in-state rate is $27,375 .

Average Net Price by Income  
$0-$30,000 $22,155
$30,001-$48,000 $20,368
$48,001-$75,000 $23,178
$75,001-$110,000 $27,024
$110,001 and more $30,517

The data on this website is sourced as public domain data from the most recent survey year of the National Center for Education Statistics’ College Navigator tool. That tool can be found at this link: MyCollegeSelection encourages students to explore multiple resources as part of the research process in selecting the college of their dreams.