Colleges in Kansas Map

Colleges in Kansas Map
Map of Colleges in Kansas

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Baker UniversityBaldwin City, KS
Barclay CollegeHaviland, KS
Benedictine CollegeAtchison, KS
Bethany CollegeLindsborg, KS
Bethel CollegeNorth Newton, KS
Emporia State UniversityEmporia, KS
Fort Hays State UniversityHays, KS
Friends UniversityWichita, KS
Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS
Kansas Wesleyan UniversitySalina, KS
Manhattan Christian CollegeManhattan, KS
McPherson CollegeMcPherson, KS
MidAmerica Nazarene UniversityOlathe, KS
Newman UniversityWichita, KS
Pittsburg State UniversityPittsburg, KS
Southwestern CollegeWinfield, KS
Sterling CollegeSterling, KS
Tabor CollegeHillsboro, KS
University of KansasLawrence, KS
University of Saint MaryLeavenworth, KS
Washburn UniversityTopeka, KS
Wichita State UniversityWichita, KS

The data on this website is sourced as public domain data from the most recent survey year of the National Center for Education Statistics’ College Navigator tool. That tool can be found at this link: MyCollegeSelection encourages students to explore multiple resources is part of the research process in selecting the college of their dreams.